Need additional support?

At the trainings of IMW region Tilburg you meet people who are struggling with the same things as you, or have experienced the same thing. There are trainings...

Meet and eat together

Stichting Broodje Aap & Linke Soep offers newcomers the opportunity to practice the Dutch language, gain work experience and meet other Dutch...


Would you like to focus more on the positive things in your life? This is a hands-on module in which you will practice recognizing gratitude moments and...

Happy with yourself

Do you often feel insecure? Or do you have negative thoughts about yourself? Start working at your own pace to improve...

Address gloominess

Do you often feel gloomy? This module offers you initial tools to reduce your gloominess. Do you often feel gloomy? This module offers...

Practice relaxing

Stressed or tense? Get to work at your own pace to relax again! This training gives you tools to be more consciously...

Mindful living

Do you want to be more mindful in life? This self-help training will introduce you to mindfulness. Get started at your own pace!